Part 39: The Elder Updates XXXVIII - Getting our Prioryties Straight
Getting our Prioryties Straight
Today, we're gonna be jumping into the main quest, but not before a little more fucking about in the Spire. First, I whipped up a somewhat more useful Detect Life spell than the starter one.

Then a healthy alchemy binge. Note that I've stumbled upon a recipe for Invisibility. Invisibility does exactly what you'd expect, and is broken if we attack something, cast a spell, or interact with an object.

Hmm...this was lying in the Vault. The design appears to be of a liquor bottle, bears Daedric runes. Smells strong, though. Khajiit will save it for a special occasion.
Also, it is constantly boiling.

Anyway, we pop off to Bravil courtesy of our teleporter pads to turn in the staff, and get a free Charm spell for our troubles! It's pretty weak, but at least we have access to it for spellmaking now. We could go to the Arcane University, but there are just some things that need to be done.

I should get the Amulet of Kings to Jauffre, at...what was it? A priory near Chorrol? Another long walk ahead of me, then.

Ah, Bleak Flats Cave. I may as well investigate that stone.

Wait until nightfall, then touch the stone, and...

Hmm. Empowerment of the mind, this time.
And we have access to Fortify Magicka! This might make its way onto some gear later, but we'd need three or four pieces to make the enchantment worthwhile as a Grand soul will only give us a boost of 24 points.

We travel along our merry way, idly stocking up on Steel Arrows thanks in no small part to most enemies having already made the switch.

A shrine to Molag Bal. He apparently demands a lion pelt, but I do not have one. Nor do I have the nerve to speak to him. Not yet, at least.
This one's gonna have to wait until level 17. Ayleid ruin.

Eh, why not? I'm feeling lucky.

Looks like trolls have replaced bandits, at least in Ayleid ruins.

Ooh, handy.

A trove of Welkynd Stones. That could be useful in a pinch...

Slowly through here...

Hmm, what is this? Quite the burly troll...


Not pictured: Oblivion crashing on a whim upon the death of one of my Everscamps to poison gas. What a stable game!

What have we here but more Welkynd Stones?

...oh dear.

Hmmm...there must be a way out.



I have no idea what this trap's deal is, but it's rather dickish. That's all there is to say on the matter. Have fun hugging the wall until you get a chance to slip out like I did!

Finally. That...was harrowing.

The chamber beyond this trap is guarded by two Spriggans, and we are summarily set upon by bears.

We got a shitty magic helmet for our troubles.

Also, one of the Everscamps managed to get itself stuck in the wall. Okay sure.

Heavy. But I should be able to get a fine price for this axe.

Dungeons: sometimes mostly not a bad experience.

Later still...

I think this is the place.

Yup. This is a priory all right.

I should probably get myself looking presentable...

There we go.

Hmm. Not exactly what I would call sleeping. Convenient, though.

 Well, free is free.

To Kvatch!